Imagine a closet where you loved everything in it! Trade Days at Trends can help with that!
3 steps to a better closet:
Step 1: Clean your closet or call us to schedule assistance!
Step 2: Bring one item to trade for insta-credit (see below)
Step 3: Bring up to 2 additional items to SWAP or DONATE (see below)
Get ready for Spring by doing a little Spring cleaning in your closet. Trade Days at Trends is a chance to have a DO OVER, make a trade &/or make a swap. Do something good for you, your closet & your community.
Bring one item from your closet that you thought was great....but got it home and decided...it’s not! Maybe it’s not your color...maybe it didn’t fit right...maybe it’s just not your style now...maybe you’re tired of it!
Insta-credit is to be used instantly (same day) in store for something new!
Instacredit will be applied as follows:
Shirt/Jacket $20.
Dress $25.
Pant/Skirt $15
Instacredit applied to any purchase of $80.00 or more.
Items that will be accepted must meet criteria:
1. Must be one of the listed brands below.
2. Must be clean and w/o damage (including worn out)
2. Must be clean and w/o damage (including worn out)
Brand list:
Arratta, Dear John, Mave, CP Shades, Sympli, XCVI, Ivy Jane, Uncle Frank, Cousin Earle, Aunt Wanda, Sister Mary, Johnny Was, JWLA, Biya, 3J Workshop
Arratta, Dear John, Mave, CP Shades, Sympli, XCVI, Ivy Jane, Uncle Frank, Cousin Earle, Aunt Wanda, Sister Mary, Johnny Was, JWLA, Biya, 3J Workshop
Details for Step 3: During Trade Days we will have one rack for swaps...bring up to 2 items to swap. You can trade one for one in exchange for items on the SWAP rack. At the end of Trade Days, these items remaining on the SWAP rack will be donated.
We reserve the right to decline any item.
** Credit given is at our discretion. It is not intended to be the true value of the item. Credit will be applied to any purchase equal to or greater than 2 times the amount given. Can not be applied to previous purchases/orders or layaways.
We reserve the right to decline any item.
** Credit given is at our discretion. It is not intended to be the true value of the item. Credit will be applied to any purchase equal to or greater than 2 times the amount given. Can not be applied to previous purchases/orders or layaways.